InterConnect Wiring Profile
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What does EWIS mean?
What does EWIS mean? EWIS is an acronym for Electrical Wiring InterConnect System or Electrical Wiring InterConnection System (EWIS). EWIS means any wire, wiring device, or combination of these, including termination devices, installed in any area of the aircraft for transmitting electrical energy, including data and signals between two or more intended termination points. Check out this article to learn more about EWIS:
What is a Wiring Harness?
InterConnect is starting a series of blogs to discuss different aspects of aircraft electrical wiring harnesses. InterConnect will provide definitions, descriptions, and photos of not only common parts used to manufacture wiring harnesses but also discussions of how to design wiring harnesses as well as lessons learned when designing wiring harnesses. Today’s blog is “What is a wiring harness?”. Learn more about this here:
Can a Wiring Harness be Repaired or Overhauled?
A common question asked of InterConnect Wiring is, “Can InterConnect repair or overhaul a wiring harnesses?” The short answer to this question is “Yes we can!” The long answer is that in many cases it is less expensive to produce a new wiring harness instead of repairing or overhauling an old one. Learn about this topic here:
What is a System Diagram and How is It Used During Wiring Harness Design?
A system wiring diagram is exactly what it sounds like – a diagram of the wiring required for a system. It forms the starting point for harness design because it contains the signal paths and at least some information about the wire types (such as wire gauge) necessary to electrically connect components in the aircraft. Learn more about it here: