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Disability Discrimination Attorneys Bay Area os-legal.com
Employers can discriminate against employees with disabilities in many ways, including refusing to provide reasonable accommodations. A disability discrimination attorney in the Bay Area can help. Discrimination that is based on an employee’s mental or physical disability is illegal at both the state and federal levels.
Discrimination Lawyers San Francisco os-legal.com
Despite strict laws, many employers allow employees to suffer harm due to unlawful discrimination. If you were discriminated against, discuss what happened with a discrimination attorney in San Francisco. Discrimination on the job is both more common and more harmful than many people recognize. The State of California has exacting laws on the books that are designed to protect employees from discrimination in the workplace.
Wrongful Termination Attorneys San Francisco os-legal.com
While California is an at-will employment state, there are some laws that protect employees from being terminated illegally. If you believe you were illegally terminated, contact the San Francisco wrongful termination attorneys at Olivier & Schreiber P.C.. California is an at-will employment state, which means that generally, both employers and employees can terminate their employment at any time, without cause or notice.
Employment Law Attorneys Bay Area os-legal.com
Many employers engage in conduct that violates the rights of employees under the law. If this happens to you, always seek assistance from a trusted employment law attorney in the Bay Area. Employers can let employees go at will, which means they don’t need a specific reason, and employees also work at will. This said, however, there are important laws in place that prevent employers from firing employees illegally, discriminating against employees based on inclusion in a specific class, engaging in wage and hour violations, and more.
Discrimination Lawyers Oakland os-legal.com
Employment discrimination can be harmful in many ways, and employees who experience discrimination have important rights. An Oakland discrimination lawyer can help you. When you work for someone, you should be judged on your ability to perform your job duties, not your skin color or gender. But so many employers continue to practice discrimination. When your employer discriminates against you in the workplace, they commit an illegal act.
Discrimination Attorneys Oakland os-legal.com
Many Bay Area employers engage in unlawful discrimination against employees in one way or another. If you suspect you were a victim, reach out to a discrimination attorney in Oakland. Employment discrimination continues to be a problem for many people in California, despite strict state and federal laws prohibiting such conduct.
Consumer Protection Lawyers San Francisco os-legal.com
Olivier & Schreiber PC protects consumers who were wrongfully injured by a product. Speak to our class action attorneys in San Francisco to learn more. As consumers, we often find ourselves in a less than desirable bargaining position and, in some cases, are flat out taken advantage of by large corporations.
Whistleblower Attorneys Oakland os-legal.com
Whistleblower retaliation is illegal. Our San Francisco whistleblower lawyers at Olivier & Schreiber PC fight for your rights. Employees who see safety issues or unlawful conduct in the workplace should be encouraged to speak up, not stay silent in fear of retaliation. Fortunately, state and federal laws provide powerful remedies for employees who voice their concerns and are subjected to reprisals.
Discrimination Attorneys Near Me tinyurl.com
Olivier & Schreiber LLP defends the rights of clients who are discriminated at their workplace. Speak to our San Francisco discrimination lawyers today. Unlawful discrimination takes many forms. In the United States, individuals are protected from discrimination not only in the workplace but also in matters related to housing and access to public accommodations (such as restaurants, stores, or government buildings). California has numerous laws designed to prohibit or punish discriminatory practices.
Wage and Hour Attorneys Napa County os-legal.com
If you weren’t compensated for overtime, our wage and hour attorneys in San Francisco are here to assist you. Call Olivier & Schreiber LLP for a consultation. Workers are entitled to a number of protections on the job under both federal and state laws regarding their wages and working conditions. The attorneys at Olivier & Schreiber LLP have decades of combined experience prosecuting wage and hour claims against employers and recovering tens of millions of dollars in lost wages for workers.